Emily Murphy Receives GOVTECH CONNECTS Acquisition Lifecyle Leadership Award

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Emily Murphy Receives GOVTECH CONNECTS Acquisition Lifecyle Leadership Award

Emily Murphy’s recognition with the GOVTECH CONNECTS Acquisition Lifecycle Leadership Award is a testament to her significant contributions to the government contracting community. This award honors those who “champion innovation, develop strategic partnerships, and challenge the status quo through cutting-edge strategiescreating more effective systems and teams to propel organizations into the future.” This award sums up Emily’s passion as a leader, author, and speaker.

As a senior fellow at the Greg and Camille Baroni Center for Government Contracting, George Mason University Costello College of Business, Emily’s drive can be found throughout Baroni Center White Papers, in commentaries published in regional and national media, and her engagement with government and business practitioners during Center industry discussions. All of which is focused on making government contracting acquisition more effective and efficient.