Costello College of Business Faculty Media Mentions

  • January 6, 2023

    Stocks that end up in a short squeeze tend to exhibit two well-known determinants: They have high short interest and are thinly traded. But do other factors come into play? Finance Professor Derek Horstmeyer and students Tao Wei and Junchen Xia wondered whether certain macro conditions might correlate with greater numbers of short squeezes or if short squeezes were more common in particular sectors and shared their analysis in CFA Institute's Enterprising Investor Blog.

  • January 7, 2023

    Many investors assume the best mutual funds for their taxes are the funds with the least trading. But that isn’t always the case. Finance Professor Derek Horstmeyer explains in an article for the Wall Street Journal.

  • December 15, 2022

    For a technology that many anticipate will transform investment management, artificial intelligence remains a black box for far too many investment professionals. In an article for CFA Institute's Enterprising Investor Blog, Finance Professor Derek Horstmeyer, along with students Nicholas Guidos and Lance Nguyen, bring some clarity to the subject by zeroing in on one particular AI equity trading model.

  • November 16, 2022

    Security Management, a trade publication of the corporate security industry, asked Business Foundations Assistant Professor Jeremy Plotnik to comment on recent issues related to brand reputation stemming from changes at Twitter.

  • December 11, 2022

    Tech got trounced in 2022, and while 2023 looks a bit brighter, there won't be a return to endless gains and unlimited enthusiasm for the space. Finance Professor Derek Horstmeyer comments on common phenomenons in Growth Stocks in this Markets Insider piece.

  • November 15, 2022

    Gap insurance is an optional type of car insurance that covers the “gap” between what a car is worth and what the driver owes on their auto loan or lease if the car is totaled or stolen. Laurie A. Meamber, associate professor of marketing, is quoted as an expert in WalletHub's Gap Insurance Guide.

  • December 7, 2022

    The attorney general of the District of Columbia has filed a lawsuit against Amazon, accusing the company of defrauding consumers about the tips they leave for delivery drivers. Brad Greenwood, associate professor of information systems and operations management, told DC News Now that the ruse was quite clever.

  • December 5, 2022

    With an increasing shortage of housing across the U.S. driving up home prices and rents, communities and developers need to adopt a broader strategy.  An important part of that approach will be infill development, adaptive reuse, and changes in zoning regulations to encourage the development of so-called “Missing Middle” buildings with multiple units that younger couples and families can afford to purchase. 

    This article from Urban Land, the magazine of the Urban Land Institute, quotes Eric Maribojoc, executive director for the School of Business' Center for Real Estate Entrepreneurship, on the issue.

  • December 3, 2022

    What types of bonds deliver the best returns? Finance professor Derek Horstmeyer and his students looked at the performance of fixed-income securities over the past 50 years to find the answer. Read more from The Wall Street Journal.

  • November 30, 2022

    The economy has gotten a bad taste of supply chain disruptions caused by the end of the pandemic lockdowns and cannot afford another one that a rail strike would cause. Cheryl Druehl, associate dean and professor of information systems and operations management, also sees the strike as having a broad impact. Read her interview in International Business Times.