Costello College of Business Faculty Media Mentions

  • June 28, 2022

    Derek Horstmeyer, professor of finance, was interviewed by about which stocks to own during a recession. 

  • July 8, 2022

    “We have an outstanding faculty over here, which is diversified in its academic and professional skills, and we have a wonderfully diverse student body. Those are natural advantages that we have, but another advantage is we sit on the edge of one of the most dynamic cities in the world, with a whole group of organizations and businesses that drive our economy," says Dean Ajay Vinzé in an interview with the Sun Gazette.

  • July 2, 2022

    Derek Horstmeyer, professor of finance, and students Darian Whitfield and Athena Salomons, wrote an article for The Wall Street Journal on how Barbell strategies seem to only add value in rising rate environments and actually lose money in decreasing rate environments.

  • July 5, 2022

    The study explores the advantages and adjustments that come with applying AI technologies in military settings

  • June 29, 2022

    “I was not looking to leave Missouri, but the Mason opportunity grabbed my attention in a big way,” says incoming School of Business dean Ajay Vinzé. “It is an outstanding institution, a young institution and one with a tremendous trajectory upwards."

  • June 17, 2022

    “Implementing remote work is really about re-imagining what it means for each and every person to be at work,” says Kevin Rockmann, professor of management, in an interview with BBC on remote work and wellbeing. "Employers need to balance flexibility, giving people the tools they need to remain productive and the social needs of employees."

  • June 24, 2022

    Gregory Unruh, academic director of our brand-new chief sustainability officer certification program in Executive Development, along with Fernanda Arreola, wrote in article for the Stanford Social Innovation Review about on how one business is giving back by hiring those who are without a home.  

  • June 23, 2022

    Have you ever wondered how to build wealth through real estate? “On average, homeowners have about 40 times more household wealth than renters," says Eric Maribojoc, executive director of our Center for Real Estate Entrepreneurship, in an interview with Go Banking Rates.

  • June 16, 2022

    Derek Horstmeyer was interviewed by on which stocks & ETFs do best when inflation spikes. 

  • June 17, 2022

    "Inflation affects our stock market for a multitude of reasons. First, as the cost of input goods for companies go up, this compresses margins and leads to lower profits for companies where they cannot pass along these costs to the customers," says Derek Horstmeyer, professor of finance, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.